
  • 37 Lincoln St New Haven, Connecticut - East Rock
    Leaf bags not picked up and run over by motorist. Can someone please pick these up??? This will be a mess.
  • Potholes Archived
    61 Audubon Street New Haven, Connecticut - Town_Green
    This pavement has been chewed up for a long time. It gets temporary fixes with variable success. There are now very large chunks of asphalt that make the surface of the ramp extremely uneven. Anyone with a wheelchair, cane or walker could easily fall over.
  • Potholes Archived
    444 Orange Street New Haven, Connecticut - East Rock
    the pavement has big holes and is generally chewed up on both Bradley and Lincoln. There is a a lot of bike traffic through here and nearly I lost control of my bike yesterday. There are so many holes close together, it is nearly impossible to avoid going into one of them. Very dangerous, particularly for kids.
  • East Rock Park Road New Haven, Connecticut - East Rock
    This beautiful road is covered in trash. Street sweeping would help, but it might need hands to pick up the trash at the sides of the road.
  • East Rock Park Road New Haven, Connecticut - East Rock
    This beautiful road is covered in trash. Street sweeping would help, but it might need hands to pick up the trash at the sides of the road.
  • 472 Orange New Haven, Connecticut - East Rock
    Reckless driving this morning led to a collision with a street sign here. The sign post broke off about 6 inches above ground and is VERY SHARP. The sign itself flew into the neighboring driveway. I heard the deafening collision but unfortunately arrived too late to get a license plate.
  • 37 Lincoln St New Haven, Connecticut - East Rock
    No garbage pick up here.
  • Potholes Archived
    122 Whitney Avenue New Haven, Connecticut - Yale University Campus
    There is a very deep pothole that is actually a square cut into the roadway. It is towards the right side of the lane and a serious hazard for bikers.
  • 793 State Street New Haven, Connecticut - East Rock
    large black naugahyde couch on sidewalk, on the southeast side of the road.
  • Parking Meter Archived
    914 1/2 Howard Avenue New Haven, Connecticut - New Haven - Ward 03
    The meter does not read credit card.
  • 295-321 Congress Avenue New Haven, Connecticut - New Haven - Ward 03
    There is a rusty metal large pipe sticking up from the sidewalk near the curb -- the photo from google maps indicates that it used to be a fire hydrant -- that is a serious tripping hazard. Someone could be injured on that rusty thing.
  • 222 Bradley Street New Haven, Connecticut - East Rock
    blocked drainage at Lincoln and Bradley St, causing water during yesterday's rain to build up into a vast puddle reaching to the crown of both streets. This may have contributed to the potholes I just reported. The drain I am talking about is on the North corner, kitty corner across from New Haven Academy.
  • Potholes Archived
    225 Bradley Street New Haven, Connecticut - East Rock
    Amazing potholes and rough surfaces at this intersection. Not only the new, big holes but stones that previously filled the holes are now strewn around the street, hazardous for bikes. The whole intersection is tough going.
  • Parking Meter Archived
    216 Congress Avenue New Haven, Connecticut - Hill
    This parking meter does not take the credit card.
  • Parking Meter Archived
    84-94 Washington Avenue New Haven, Connecticut - Yale University Campus
    The parking meter is broken. Both red and green lights are flashing and the screen is dark. It does not change if you press the buttons or enter your credit card.
  • 36-38 Lincoln Street New Haven, Connecticut - East Rock
    Lincoln St between Bradley and Pearl.
  • Parking Meter Archived
    295 Congress Avenue New Haven, Connecticut - New Haven - Ward 03
    does not work for credit or debit card payment
  • 333 Cedar St New Haven, Connecticut - New Haven - Ward 03
    The 1-block bike lane along Cedar St is pointing the wrong direction. Towards York St, bikes MUST travel on the right side, because the MUST turn right and stay on the right. The current bike lane puts us on the left, which means you have to cross 3 lanes of traffic after making the turn!!! Super dangerous!. Meanwhile, it would be useful if the bike lane were turned around with an arrow pointing towards Congress Ave (like how other 1-way streets in New Haven use bike lanes, actually. High St is an example.). Bikes need to be able to go both ways on Cedar St, even if cars cannot!
  • Tree Trimming Archived
    51 Lincoln St New Haven, Connecticut - East Rock
    Completely dead tree. Was a mature dogwood -- sad, beautiful shape. But now it looks like it could fall down or lose parts of itself onto a passerby. This is also a part of Lincoln St that needs cleaning up in general to combat crime. Can you at least remove the dead tree, if not replace it?
  • 536 Orange New Haven, Connecticut - East Rock
    Couch and queen sized mattress. Gross!